Introduction to data structures (Implementing Lists)

This word can sound a bit theoretical and complex at first, but, what are data structures for a programmer?

In this serie of posts we are going to implement various typicall data structures and explaint some aspects about them.

What are data structures for a programmer?

A data structure is a class used for organize data and provide various operations upon their data.

About Arrays?

The most famous data structure of all is the Array, surely all we have used it ever.

The arrays are a contiguous space in memory that should be the same type, also is good to mention that, the Array’s writing, read operations are done in constant time, this is: O(1).

The arrays are a important data structure for other data structures as for example the List

Keep in mind that array of value types store its item in its value form, then no boxing operation is needed for read its items.

The Lists

The List is a basic data structure which wrap up an basic array and empower it with the hability of auto-increment its size.

While an Array should get a constant size specified in its constructor, a List does not require this.

// You only are able to put 5 favourite numbers in this array.
int[] favouriteNumbers = new int[5];

// You do not know the total friend you will met in your life, so you can not specify the length of the array at programing time.
List<string> allTheFriendsOfMyLife = new List<string>();

Note that list keep its write/access time constant O(1), then they are not less fastest than arrays, however, the may get a bit more of space in RAM.

C# Jargon

Type-Safe Collection

Is a collection for example a list which ensures to the programmer client that only can have values of only one Type, this is not the case with the System.Collection.ArrayList class.

About the ArrayList class

The ArrayList is a list which is not Type-Safe, since it is basically an array of Objects, since in C# all the types hinherit from the Object class this list is able to store any type.

But all is not perfect, ArrayList need make a Boxing operation for store any item, then ValueTypes as for example integers need to be boxed first for save it in the ArrayList, and also, Value Types need to be unboxed in every read operation of the ArrayList

ArrayList foo = new ArrayList();
foo.Add(5); // Requires perform a boxing operation over 5
int n = (int) foo[0]; // Read an Value Type item requires an unboxing operation.  

Implementing the List

In this section, we are going to implement a basic type-safe list.

The code is commented as much as possible for failitate the code readability.

/* Although Lists have a bit of boilerplate for 
 * resize them its read, write operations are done in O(1) time.
public class MyList<T>
    public T[] arr;

    public int incrementFactor = 2;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the quantity of items added to the list
    /// </summary>
    public int Count
            return count;

    private int count;

    public MyList()
        // Starts array with 4 elements by default.
        arr = new T[4];

    // Overloads the constructor for make configurable the list's array' length
    public MyList(int size)
        arr = new T[size];

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a new item to arr[Count]
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">Item to add to the list</param>
    public void Add(T item)
        // Checks if number of Items added is less than arr length
        if (count < arr.Length)
            arr[count] = item;
        else // if code reaches this, then count == to length, so the original array is full making needed increase its size.
            // Double the arr capacity by default
            T[] tempArr = new T[arr.Length * incrementFactor];
            Array.Copy(arr, tempArr, arr.Length);
            // Change the reference of the variable arr to the same as the new array
            arr = tempArr;

            arr[count] = item;

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets/Gets the item at specified index 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">Item index to select</param>
    /// <returns>The item at specified index</returns>
    /* this notation is known as indexers, and allow us to make 
     * possible to the client code access the array using [] notation
     * NOTE: An indexor can have more that one formal parameter, as in the two dimensional arrays.s
    public T this[int index] 
            return arr[index];

            // Checks user is accessing an valid Item
            /* count-1 because when count is equal to 0
             * index > count will be true because is true that index == count

            if (index < 0 || index > (count - 1))
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

            arr[index] = value;

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes first item from the list equal to the argument
    /// if operation was succesfull, then return true
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Note that this function make a linear search O(n) for find the item in the list's array</remarks>
    /// <param name="item">The item to delete from the list</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool Remove(T item)
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            if (arr[i].Equals(item))
                // TODO: Implement RemoveAt function

                // Returns true if the item was found and succesfully deleted from the list's array
                return true;

        // Returns false if item element is not found in the list's array
        return false;                

    /// <summary>
    /// Remove item located at specified index
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="index">Index of item to be removed</param>
    public void RemoveAt(int index)
        // Checks index out of ranges
        if (index < 0 || index > (count-1))
            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();

        /* Array.Copy() is similar to c++ memmove() function,
         * then its complexity is O(n)
         * see:
         * Arra.Copy() is O(n) where n is the 'length' argument

         * If list's arr have 4 elements and it is deleted the
         * element in index 2, then it is required calculated the 
         * number of elements from index 2 (exlusive) to the last index (incluse)
         * for calculate array's length
         * */

        int remaindLength = arr.Length - (index + 1);
        // T[] remaindElements = new T[remaindLength];

        /* Shift the elements located after specified index 
         * one index to left for replace the element located at arr[index]
         * */
        Array.Copy(arr, index + 1, arr, index, remaindLength);

        // Decrease the count variable not the length of the list's array



Written on December 17, 2017